The "Three Circles" is a powerful tool used to share the story of the Gospel with others. Many resources and videos are available online demonstrating  how it's used (search "Three Circles Gospel" on YouTube). We've modified it by adding a diamond in the first circle in order to connect it to "Awake: The Seven Facets" and the message of our true identity.
At the center of the diamond is our original blessing. This is the message of our true identity as the children of a good and happy God.
"So God created man and woman and shaped them with his image inside them. In his own beautiful image, he created his masterpiece. Yes, male and female he created them. And God blessed them in his love..."
(Genesis 1:27-28 TPT)
Every other facet walks through the story of how God restores us to this identity. It ends with an invitation for people to receive this restoration. With this is a call to baptism which serves as a launching pad into spiritual community (the Arise teachings). Our hope is to walk people through these facets one-on-one or in small groups (such as a seven-part Discovery Group or an addiction focused Recovery Group).

Since the facets can be a lot to share with a person in a brief conversation, we've adopted the Three Circles to help communicate the message in a concise  way. In presenting the Three Circles to someone, you can draw it out for them step-by-step, or simply point to each part in an already completed drawing or sticker.
The first circle represents our original blessing. (You can start by asking someone, "Do you know what original blessing is?") This is where you share that a person is infinitely valuable and loved. They were created good and made with a purpose. Before anything else, our true identity is that we are beloved children of a good God.  
But humankind has walked away from this reality (Genesis 3). Though we see a lot of good in this world, we look at the news and social media and see so much brokenness and division as well. This is what the second circle represents. We often see this same brokenness reflected in our own lives. Many times, we feel divided and sense that we're not living to our true potential.

This is because all of us have forgotten who really we are . . . and who our Creator is . . .

. . . The squiggly lines outside the circle show our attempts to get out  of brokenness. Because we lost sight of our original blessing, we now try to find our identity in what we do (or through other exterior things). With this, we also try to find our way back through things like relationships, hobbies, addictions, making money, etc. But nothing truly satisfies or fixes the brokenness.  

The final circle represents our Creator's plan to rescue us and bring us back to our true design. This happened through the person of Jesus. Jesus didn't come to start a new religion. He came to earth (the down arrow) to show us who we really are and who God is. We are good . . . and we are made in the image of a good God.  

Jesus died on a cross to take away our brokenness (the cross). He suffered at human hands to show us that we were loved and forgiven no matter what. Then he resurrected from the dead (the up arrow). This was the divine proof that his love and forgiveness are real! He is who he said he is, and you are who he says you are. He was then raised to heaven and is now the true Leader of humanity (the crown). Jesus is our true identity.
All of us are invited to leave behind lesser identities and incomplete ways of finding peace. This happens when we wake up  to what Jesus has done, the final part of the circle. When we receive Jesus as our Savior and King, he fills our lives. He restores the diamond of our true selves. He then calls us to bring this message to others, continuing the circle.

This is where you can end with a question, "Have you experienced Jesus in your life?"

Or, "Which of the two top circles do you think you're experiencing more?" . . .

. . . If it's the broken one, you can ask, "What is keeping you from asking Jesus to bring you back to that original blessing?"  
(This could also be an opportunity to quickly share your testimony.)

Follow- Up

Some people may not be interested in going further. Others will have been prepared by the Holy Spirit to open up to the message. You can ask them to pray with you right then and there. You can pray something like this with them:

God, thank you that you love me and made me perfect.
I confess that I have walked away from your truth and lived life my own way. I turn to you now. I believe that Jesus came, died, and rose again to restore me. Jesus, please fill my life with your Spirit and bring me back to my original blessing. Amen!

If someone has prayed this prayer (or even if they haven't, but are still  open to more conversation), encourage them to go through the Seven Facets, explaining how it breaks down everything further and teaches  more about our true identity. You can invite them to a Discovery Group or make plans to start one with them. Or, they can watch the videos on their own and you can follow-up with them after they've seen the first one. You can also share the Awake book with them.

The Seven Facets videos are available at: