The final part of our journey . . .
For those who completed Arise, this is where we learn to fulfill the high and joyful calling Jesus has given to all of his friends.
The following seven videos are meant to equip you in truly impacting the world. They lay out a Spirit-led path into fruitfulness that was laid out by Christ himself.
Part 1: The Grains of Time
The set-up for a grace-filled adventure
Part 2: Messengers of the King
The glorious news we're called to carry to the nations
Part 3: The Strategy
The way Jesus advanced his Father's kingdom
Part 4: Prayer and Oikos Maps
Enjoying an effective prayer life (and a strategic tool to help you tap into the harvest already at your doorstep)
Part 5: Divine Appointments
A powerful and simple way God awakens others through our influence . . . Also, practical teaching on praying for healings and miracles
Part 6: Sharing the Message
Speaking out the message of grace . . . Includes two practical tools: "The Three Circles (Diamond Edition)" & "The 30 Second Testimony"
Part 7: The Destiny of the World
A final call to action with a sweeping message of hope for the future of humanity
Where to go from here...
Some practical thoughts for after you finish Advance